The other kind of win

At the end of Moneyball, Peter Brand (Jonah Hill) shows Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) a clip of one of their minor league players

This was shortly after the Oakland A's lost their final game of the season in 2002. Billy bet on undervalued players by using new statistical analyses to only come close to winning the World Series. He also set an American League record with 20 consecutive wins and changed baseball strategy forever. Those are types of wins, but not the one he set out for. Billy felt the loss.

The minor league player in the clip is Jeremy Brown. Jeremy is used to stopping at first base after a hit, but this time he pushes himself to stretch a single run into a double play. He stumbles rounding first and falls and crawls back to base. Only then does he discover that he had hit a home run.

So, what does this have to do with design? 

Have you ever seen a drawing better than yours?

Or when others have better ideas than you have. When the promotion goes to another. And your designs don't help people the way you wanted. If you carry that with you, then you've worked to make up for that difference.

We often focus on what we cannot do that we don't realize what we did so well.