Less is more but not always

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Minimalism is a design philosophy to strip away the excess and leave only what is essential.

It ties in with designers' and engineers' general goal to simplify solutions as much as possible. 

However, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Complexity can be necessary or even wanted.

Many machines in a nuclear power plant are complex and there's no real way to simplify their interfaces further without compromising safety or functionality. They're simplified as much as possible in order to improve how efficient they perform and how easy they are to use by employees.

Image credit: fanjianhua on Freepik

Creativity and self-expression are important. If you're a kid, you might not want minimalist wooden blocks to play with, you want the LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Millennium Falcon set. 

Or, chances are the shirts you pick out are probably not all the same plain black or white t's. 

Despite many exceptions, there's good reason why Louis Sullivan's Century-old quote, "Form ever follows function," is still popular today among designers and engineers. Like many things, minimalism is a tool. It's important to use it judiciously, to understand the times and to know when it's called for.