3 recent and noteworthy small-ticket items

4K Tv Antenna - A higher bitrate means the image is clearer. The image is less compressed than streaming so local news looks as sharp as a movie, if not sharper. If you only stream content, adding an antenna is more than worth it for local news.

MagSafe Phone Case - Magnetic phone holders need to replace all other phone holders. This built-in magnetic ring allows for wireless charging while mounted. It works well with my car phone charger. The downside is the strength of the magnet. I also use two different cars, one with this magnet, and the other using a circle magnet which isn't compatible. My work around was adding an adhesive magnet to my phone case at the bottom.

$1 Chef Knife - As a former cook that used a Wustof daily, the dollar store chefs knife is my favorite one. It's the only chefs knife I use in the dishwasher because who cares if it gets damaged? It gets hit with a honing stick every time I use it, but the convenience of not caring about it getting damaged makes it an easy choice when guests aren't over.