Household autonomy

Samsung released a Bespoke brand vacuum that can detect surfaces and soil level. It adjusts suction strength and brush roll height for you. It’s cordless, so these adjustments are good at rationing battery life. And of course, an Ai system is integrated to make these decisions.

Another Bespoke project integrates Ai with a refrigerator. Interior fridge sensors scan your food for expiration dates, signs of spoiled food, ingredients for recipes, it learns your food and dietary preferences and it can create grocery lists based on what you typically have in stock.

This is the part of Ai that’s most promising for day to day life. Cooking and cleaning is tedious. It may be easy to become lazy and disconnected with having everything taken care of. It’s just as likely we’ll have more time, allowing us to focus on relationships and goals.

We still make the decisions that are good and bad for ourselves. The autonomy of Ai only extends so far.