More completed, less perfectionism

Writing for 100 days helped me think more clearly and gain confidence.

It’s frustrating to lose ideas if you don’t draw or write it down. It’s just as frustrating to spend hours on a single piece of work when it was already fine a few drafts ago. My intention was to change this and change how I thought and felt about myself.

When I started this blog my goal was to organize my thoughts and learn more about design. The first day was about gaining farm strength by working at something every day. It needed to be easier to arrive to thoughts. While I posted writings far below my best, it loosened me up a little.

The best thing I learned was how much there is that I want to do. That it feels better being a little busier when it’s interesting.

It’s valuable to learn how to write like you talk. My next step is to draw like I write.

These were my most popular posts from the last 100 days:
The instant pot
Form follows function
100 involved fans
Crisp, clear analysis
A maker makes (ducks)