Universal design is exclusive (and for good reason)

Universal Design, compared to Inclusive Design, is a more specific approach to design for the needs of people with disabilities. The aim of Universal Design is to create products that can be used by everyone regardless of their abilities. Inclusive design strives to create products that are accessible to a wide range of people, including people with disabilities. Inclusive Design goes beyond Universal Design by considering the needs of people with different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. Inclusive design takes a holistic approach than the specific focus of people with disabilities in Universal Design.

Inclusive Design does not focus specifically on people with disabilities, but there are examples of when Inclusive Design was the better approach to design for people with disabilities. This includes accessibility features, like closed captions or your phone’s high contrast settings. The wheelchair most commonly comes up in Universal Design conversations. Wheelchair design variations were demanded by people who couldn’t to use a traditional wheelchair. Inclusive design widened the wheelchair seat and a raised the backrest to allow people of varying sizes to use it.

Utilizing a variety of design approaches throughout the product development process is what it means to be flexible and adaptable. Inclusive design is a wider way of thinking that wants to include more people in a behavior. Inclusive design improved the wheelchair, yet Universal Design is why the wheelchair exists. Inclusion is powerful, but there are times when exclusivity is more beneficial.