Change is a constant in the product design world

Studying change means that you can identify the difference between what is now and what was before. It’s a simple concept that can be easy to over look and difficult to describe. There are many types of change to be aware of.

Technology changes are one of the most important and they are constantly evolving. ChatGPT and similar tools are a lot to keep up with. Just like with design problem solving, it’s important to prioritize what is worth learning and what is not. On top of this is social change, environmental change and economic change. With so much change, we need constants to ground our thinking.

Designers can use unchanging human needs as inspiration for their designs. Humans will always have a need for meaning, beauty, creativity, and connections with others. These constants are the basis for creating a timeless design. Change is inevitable. Designers who are able to identify change and use it to help the unchanging needs of people are the most successful.