The boring stuff

The people at Pixar are master storytellers. People of all ages find insight in their movies because they’re so relatable. The movie “Up” (2009) is filled with real-life touchpoints. My favorite part is at the end when Russell talks to Carl about how he remembers the boring stuff more than the sensational stuff from all parts of his life.

I love the boring stuff because that is when there’s the greatest sense of normalcy. Stories that aren’t exciting to hear can have great depth. And shared boredom can show the best parts of our character. The point of telling a story is not to be sensational, the point isn’t even to make a point. The point Russell made was that something meaningful can be boring, and sharing boredom can be a meaningful experience.

When we all had our birthdays during lockdown, we didn’t crave streamers and balloons. We wanted friends and family to walk into our home ready for a big hug. Leaning into the best parts of real life can be better than a grand event.

There is certainly more to life than boredom, but I think people in general need more of it. On the big day, you do need to celebrate the achievements. Boring stuff is important but so is having fun, like having streamers and balloons at a party. Just welcome some boring stuff throughout it all because after the party, the boring stuff is the stuff we remember the most.