A maker makes because they have something to say. Makers are initiators with a voice, a vision, and a value. Each day they contribute to make their difference in the world. I am the designer, my grandfather is the maker. My grandfather has carved realistic, wooden ducks for over 40 years. He started small. He began woodworking with only a pocket knife, nothing else. Time slowly filled his garage and basement with equipment. As a result, he’s since filled the house with ducks, too. Our first project together was too early for my memory, but we carved a wooden fish on a stand. He said he showed me how to shave the edges down, and then I watched him add the details and finish. The opportunity to learn was always on the table. Mistakes happened while he worked, and he showed me how he navigated through them. For some periods of time he couldn’t work, but he jumped back in when he could. He still had the latest information on ducks, materials, tools, and processes to try on the next project...